Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 81: How It Is Right Now

OK - I'm going to let off a little steam right now by freaking out about the fact that Team BADASS is finishing this thing in NINE days (how is that POSSIBLE?!??) and I still feel like I have a bunch more work to do to reach my personal peak condition. I know, I KNOW! It's not like we're going to turn into a wax museum version of ourselves on Day 90, forever stuck at whatever point we're at on that day. I KNOW it's not about the 90 days! Believe me, I plan on keeping this thing going, in some form or other, for years to come. However - there have been moments during this past week where VANITY has reared it's ugly head and pointed out all the places on my body that still need work.

Here's what VANITY has been talking about: a)Back and shoulders = WEAK. Pull-ups still totally suck and I hate them for making me feel so...weak. b)Hips and butt = still rockin' some layers of fat. Might be some muscles under there somewhere, but they have yet to make themselves known. c)My old "friend" Melvin - ha! Still hanging around - yes, literally hanging from my body like an old balloon that's lost it's air. Can't imagine him ever leaving for good.


Ok, deep breaths. Had to get all that off my chest. Yes, these nagging thoughts (thanks, VANITY!) have been bugging me - HOWEVER. They happen sporadically, popping up from time to time in the midst of what is becoming my "new normal", to quote Haley. The new normal keeps evolving, but so far, it's characterized by increased energy, steadiness of mind and heart, equanimity, and commitment to health. The daily diet and exercise is, yes, still "required", but it has also become a given. I know, upon waking, that I will get up and jump rope. I know that I will fit in the rest of the workout at some point throughout the day - it's a given. I know that I will make sure I eat what I need to eat in order to sustain myself. Right now, that means hitting the grams. In the future, it will be a little trickier, but I know my experience of food has already shifted so much that I can't see myself going back to where I once was. I can feel the benefits of all my hard work manifesting throughout my days - and mostly, I can take the long view when it comes to my physical body. Especially after a day like yesterday, when everything comes into focus. All my rants, all my worries, all my obsessions...they are so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Life is short! Why create unnecessary pain??

...Aaaaaaaannnndddd the next morning I have to face the dreaded pull-ups all over again. I curse, I rant, I feel completely defeated, I cry. I might even slam a door. And then I do the rest of the workout. When I finish, I eat. Somewhere in there, I am reminded that getting my undies in a bundle is part of the human condition. This reminds me to breathe. I turn on some music in the kitchen and suddenly my kids are laughing at me while I "shake my butt". Which reminds me that my butt is good for shaking. More laughter and dancing ensues.

That's just how it is right now.


  1. Omg new pics! Erm, hello?!?!? Muscles galore. You look fantastic.

    Re pull ups, the fact that you are even trying them is the point, I think. Just think of it as super quick and efficient failure. Your muscles still work and learn something, no?

  2. Oh, VANITY, you suck. Especially when you tell Sarah lies! Seriously, you're looking amazing. I can't see any fat at all--you seem to be all strong, sleek muscle.

    I feel you on the worry about the plan ending. I'm having a little anxiety about you guys being finished, too. And about me being over halfway and still so un-peak and imperfect. But you're right that this is a journey, and your focus on how it is right now--the downs and the ups--is brilliant. If life can always be more centered in your head and heart, that's a good new normal.

  3. um.. omg, no one with "guns" like those could possibly be weak! you're muscles are making me jealous! have to admit that i've been giving myself a pass while sick and not really pushing hard to finish reps of exercises i don't like. my resolve was weakening but now i'm inspired all over again. WWSD!! btw, your shoulders and biceps are looking bigger than gwen stefani's! that's pretty badass.

  4. thx, ladies, for all the encouragement. and yes, i can appreciate my muscles too :) actually, i like that new pic of my back - can finally start to see some real definition happening. it's just that i need to be honest about those negative thoughts that keep popping up, no matter how even-keeled i think i'm becoming. it's like the "deflators" that patrick talked about a while back - my vain mind is my own worst critic. but hell - at least that part of me doesn't take over for days or weeks at a time anymore! just small moments here and there.

    and in my stronger moments, i have to believe what Patrick says, that the exercise i hate the most will be the one that eventually sets me FREE! pull-ups, you SUCK - but i WILL prevail!!!

  5. Yep, the lats are finally coming in. Good work.

    If you're dealing with vanity issues, go to a beach of pool and spend some time with our fellow Americans. They put things in perspective.

  6. Totally BAD ASS pic, I envy your definition
