Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 35: The Incredible Shrinking Dinner

Just opened the email with our new diets for the week...ugh. I can't believe I lost my dinner banana!! (Ha - never thought I'd write that particular sentence.)

Instead of feeling "cleaner and lighter" like Patrick assured us we would with fruit dinners, I've been feeling a mixture of gassy and hungry, post-dinner. After the gas subsides, I feel ravenous and the ol' veggie snack doesn't do much to alleviate the hunger. Last night I stayed up too late and ate a bunch of blueberries before finally hitting the hay. I think this is the first time I've "cheated" on the PCP diet. Tonight I'm just going to go to bed hungry, hoping that I won't notice the growly feeling in my tummy if I'm asleep ;)

On the up-side, now I finally know what a pistol squat looks like! You guys wouldn't believe what I've been picturing in my head this whole time...!!!

Gotta get to bed. 'Night, all!



  1. hahah i remember how angry i was when he took the banana off the menu too. it tasted absolutely brilliant in milk shake form! OH the blueberry binge, been there too

  2. It's just for a few weeks while you lean out. Everything will come back, and in spades!

  3. So what were you picturing in your head ?????
    Maybe you can post a picture of your version of Pistol Squat !

    When banana was gone from our dinner, I really thought that Patrick is teasing us !!

  4. ha ha i was the same! i am currently trying to thing of fun ways to funk up dinner now. any thoughts?

    looking forward to workout later too......

  5. The apple/eggwhite/milk supper has been something I have really struggled with, but more from a social & family aspect than a hunger aspect. (It's hard to go out to dinner when you're only eating apple & eggwhite!) I was hungry for a bit but things did level out. If you're going to do some post-dinner snacking, blueberries aren't a bad way to go!
