Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 59: A New Way to Jump

Ilan, I've been totally inspired by you and your jumprope skills. For the past 2 mornings, I've set my watch to 16 minutes instead of 4 sets of 4 minutes. Instead of my brain wondering when those 4 minutes are. going. to. be. done....I just don't worry about the time and jump for as long as I can. Feels great - and, surprise, I can jump for longer than 4 minutes. Those 16 minutes go by much faster, even if I take a short break somewhere in the middle. Revelation!

When we get home, I NEED to get myself a pull-up bar. I've been using a bar on the playground for the past 2 weeks. I gotta say, my pull-ups are totally ridiculous, as I can only lift myself a few inches. But over the 2 weeks, I gained at least an inch or two. So Patrick, is it better to do what I can with the real pull-up bar without assistance, to use some kind of assist to be able to lift myself higher, or to stick with incline pull-ups for now?

Tomorrow we leave Fire Island for the mainland. I have lots of pics to share but no time at the moment. Off to enjoy the beach for our last full day!

1 comment:

  1. Re: Pull ups

    Best is if someone can help you do the regular pull ups to the number of reps on the sheet.

    If no one can spot you then do your best on the bar alone until you've really failed out, then finish out with inclines.
