Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 75: Low to High, All in One Day

First, a little story. Yesterday I woke up on the late side after having gone to bed super early. Tired, sore of body, emotionally...kinda spent. Feeling like I was hitting another wall with PCP, overwhelmed by the craziness of our fall schedule, off-balance from many things demanding my attention, worried about annoying health issues popping up again. Basically, poor me!

Got a very late start on morning jumps - and was totally hating every moment. Body was tired, legs were sore, left shoulder KILLING me. Got so frustrated that I burst into tears near the end. This, plus a late start, meant that I wasn't able to do the rest of the workout - had no choice but to carry on with the day, take Milo to hockey, get myself in a better frame of mind. Busy afternooon - and with friends coming over for dinner, I had to squeeze in my workout just before they arrived. By this time, my body was feeling better, my mind was calmer, and I just did what I needed to do. Reached failure on all the shoulder exercises, totally rocked it out on all those v-sits - a MUCH better experience than the morning.

Had a fun dinner with our friends - and an almost totally PCP-friendly dinner, I might add! My mood had improved so much throughout the day that my husband noticed and commented on it. This entire day was another reminder to me about how quickly things change. Even from the depths of my bad mood, there was nothing major that happened to snap me out of it, just a continual, almost imperceptible slow climb upward. Like Patrick said in a recent email - there is something to the endorphin rush of regular exercise. In the morning, I felt so blue - if it weren't for the PCP, I would have stayed in bed, in a crappy mood, ate junk and just perpetuated that bad mood. Might have even led to a mini-depression. But because the workout had to get done one way or another - and, because there was GOOD FOOD to be eaten instead of junk - I was able to re-establish an equilibrium much more quickly than before. Whew!

Which brings me to the very best part of yesterday - the part that still has me completely and utterly elated. Last night, my friend Sara called (the same Sara who we shared a house with on Fire Island) to tell me that she is seriously thinking about doing the PCP!!!!!!!!!!!!! And starting in TWO DAYS!! This was a total surprise, in the best possible way. I seriously thought that she had been thinking I was a total nut-job for getting myself involved in this project, when in fact she has been thinking about getting HERSELF into peak condition! I could not be happier for her or more proud - GO SARA!!! HUGE shout-out to you for taking this step!!

OK - changing the subject now to a completely distasteful topic. I've been swilling raw egg mixed with milk every day for a week or so now. I've also experienced an unfortunate uptick in HORRIFYING gas. I almost can't stand to be around myself, not to mention those poor folks in my physical vacinity. It's the raw eggs, right?? Also, I've had the runs (sorry!) for the past few days - strange, after being so completely regular for months now. Maybe I need to start cooking the eggs again? My tummy isn't upset, there's just way to much nasty output. Help??

More to come re: a VERY EXCITING and HUGE new purchase, to be revealed in a future post. :)

Have a great day, PCP kids!


  1. Be scientific about it, switch to boiled eggs for a week and see what changes!

    The way you view the workout as something that must be done is the only way to approach this stuff. If you leave even the smallest wiggle room things go downhill.

  2. ooof i have been like a human trumpet for the majority of the past 74 days. seems to have passed for now, possibly cos i have started boiling all my eggs (also easier when you are travelling to take 'em with you).

    moving on from the over-sharing........

    raw eggs and milk? that is truly badass.

    love your mood turnaround. ive had that a few times as well. we just need to keep reminding ourselves of this the next time the rotten mood raises its ugly head..... im hoping it's second nature by now, but you just never know. great to have this blog as a log of all the highs and lows......
