Monday, September 27, 2010

Day Almost 90: A Big Surprise

DUDES - I have something incredible to report. But first, I have to say, all that whining and complaining I was doing in the past week or two, struggling with VANITY and imperfection and feeling weak in certain areas....I take it all back. Well, I can't really, 'cause it's out there. But I hereby announce to you all that I'm DONE with the complaining, I'm DONE with the judgment and perfectionism. I'm not sure I can explain why - maybe it's just the timing of everything. Coming thisclose to the end, knowing it's not really the end at all, feeling just how much stronger I am now than when this all began...all week I've felt supremely OK with myself. I can take it all in now - the hard work, the sweat, the physical changes (including the parts that still "need work"), the emotional and mental shifts. It's all OK - matter of fact, it's all GOOD.

So what happened this afternoon didn't create this feeling - it just confirmed it. Ummm...I did a pull-up.

It just happened! I was over at Sara's house, checking out her pull-up bar. She said, show me your stuff, Rubin. I was all, yeah, yeah, my pull-ups are WEAK. And then? I pulled my chin all the way up to the bar. Maybe not over it, but up to it. WHAT??? Shocking!! No one was more surprised than moi.

So, yes - all you wise ones out there with your "the limits we set on ourselves can be re-set" (Ramiro) and other related revelations about the body's potential being far beyond what the mind says it can do...I'm living proof. And a true believer.


  1. AWESOME! you go miss pull-up! WWSD. so freakin cool!

  2. The first one's the hardest. Do "one" a few times a day from now on and you'll find the second, third, and fourth come within a month.

  3. Patrick is right. I'm up to 4 now. 4 freaking pull-ups!!! Sometimes I just walk to my pull-up bar when I get home and just do a couple for fun. Ha! Looking forward to your final post and thanks for the birthday wishes. :)

  4. Congratulations Sarah! What a way to end your PCP journey!
