Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 89, Dammit!!

NOOOOOOO!!!! Our blogs have been moved down to the "complete" section on the homepage. NOT. SO. FAST. PATRICK! I have so much more to say - don't pull the plug yet! LOL!

I'm really hurting this morning, thanks to late-night supersets. In fact, today is the first day that I did NOT jump rope first thing this morning, before getting the kids ready for school. Still recovering from being up so late on Sat night, needing the extra sleep. ALSO - it's raining.

FWIW, I can definitely tell a difference in my morning from NOT jumping rope. Pretty much without fail, getting all that blood circulating and muscles warm, not to mention the feeling of accomplishment...makes for a happy, energetic morning with the family. Today did not get off to a great start, reminding me of how pretty much every morning used to be prior to PCP.

Exercise begets more exercise...and energy...and motivation! I have more to say on that topic, but I've got to get my jumping done the rain. :(

Edited to add:

Back now, barely. Did it all - the jumps, the sets, the whole 9. Now I am a puddle of tears and sweat, a total mess. Had to come back here and share this - in order for me to get through planks, I need my headphones and a good song on repeat. Today, it was Steely Dan:

I never seen you lookin' so bad, my funky one
You tell me that your super fine mind has come undone
Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you my friend
Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again
When the demon is at your door
In the morning it won't be there no more
Any major dude will tell you

I can tell you all I know, the where to go, the what to do
You can try to run but you can't hide from what's inside of you

Patrick - at the bitter end of this fucking thing, this song is like hearing your voice in my head. And it's true - so MANY major dudes have told me, every day, through this damn blog. The presence, support and camaraderie of ALL of you major dudes has been the absolute BEST part of this - THAT is the part I'm so sad to be saying goodbye to. I can't even think about Team Badass without crying.


  1. Rain sucks. I hear ya sarah. I wish I could've jump roped this morning. I'm dreading having to go home after work today to work out.

  2. I nearly cried when I saw you guys moved down to complete. But way to go! You've rocked this program, as our guru would say. You look fantastic, and you know so many new things about your body and yourself. Congratulations!

  3. Nearly there Sarah! Don't cry, we'll all be around!

  4. Congrats to Team Badass. You are all rock stars.
