Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 16: Community

Just a quick post here before bed. Finished day 2 of my 6 day yoga training intensive. Amazingly, it hasn't been too hard to fit all the PCP stuff in - still doing the workouts in the early AM, was able to prepare lots of food on Wed before all this began. So far, so good. Also, all my yogini friends are commenting on how good I look and asking questions. I think I've told the "PCP story" at least 6 or 7 times in the past few days. :)

The best part of these trainings is being with my sangha (yoga community) again - we've been together for 2 years, learning, training and sharing LOTS with each other. There is absolutely nothing better than being with a group of people who are all walking the same path. I mention this because it is yet another reason why I was drawn to the PCP: the fact that there is a community here. Both the support and the accountability are key pieces to this experience - but I especially value the support.

That's all for now - gotta get to bed. Apologies if posting is light for the next 4 days...

1 comment:

  1. Have a good time! I need more yoga sangha in my life...
