Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 31: TEAM NAME!

Ok, kidlets - I have no time to post but much to say about 1) my final day in Colorado which included a very big FIRST for me and 2) my indulgence...but you'll have to wait until Monday to find out more, since I *need* to get to bed and tomorrow is a very long travel day back to NY.

BUT - I want to put this out to my Day 31 cohort: we need a TEAM NAME!!! I get jealous every time I read "Team Sexaaay" (an awesome name, btw) because having a group identity is a very powerful thing. Group consciousness - having the sum of the parts be greater than the parts themselves - that sort of thing! So - please put your suggestions in the comments below.

Since I brought this up, my vote is for TEAM BADASS since that is how the PCP makes me feel on a daily basis!



  1. This team name thing is fascinating. Power to the people! I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

  2. We could be team raw eggs. Hah. Actually I totally like team badass. It makes me want to tie a bandana around my forehead and shout. Maybe that'll be my new picture taking deal.

  3. I have always wanted to be a badass. Guess this makes me one :P

  4. haha team raw eggs would be funny, but team BADASS is a good 1!
